Juliet had her 30 month appointment and Bayley evaluation the beginning of May. She goes to see her high risk pediatrician twice a year to check up on her developments and growth and eating.
Overall, she is doing great. She is on track or ahead for everything except "self care". (Basically, she's not potty trained yet so that knocks her down a bit.) She is a problem solver, talker and stubborn! (I know, shocker, right?!)
Her growth is perfect! She is no longer "adjusted" so even though she should only be just two, she is in the average range for weight and height for a 2.5 year old.
Unfortunately, we did not get only good news while there. Juliet was born with a large PDA, which is hole in her heart. While she was in the NICU, she was given medicine in hopes of closing that completely. Well, it didn't close it the whole way but it got it small enough that it was not causing any issues for Juliet, so we left it alone.
She had seen the cardiologist after being released and it seemed the PDA had finally gone away. We had not heard it for over a year. But, it was heard again at her 30 month appointment. So we headed back to her cardiologist to check it out.
Turns out, it is still there, and since she is over 2 years old, there is little to no chance that it will close on its own. So after discussing all the pros and cons, we have decided to go in and close it via surgery. Because of her being premature and having CLD (chronic lung disease) her doctor wants to wait until she is at least 3 to give her body a better chance at a quick recovery. And thankfully, the hole is not causing any other damage to her heart in the mean time. This means we will watch her a little closer for the next year and this time next year we will be taking her in for surgery.
It is a very basic and common procedure. However, that does not take way the fear of my little girl go in for surgery. It's always scary to see your kids needing surgery, (which I know because our oldest required surgery at 11 months old), but this is a different fear. She has fought so hard to survive, and any little thing is harder to bare because I have almost lost her before. It's not a totally irrational fear because I have had to make the decision to pull my son off life support. I have seen Juliet weak and motionless as a machine breathed for her. I know I could worry myself into a hole of depression so deep there would be getting out. But, Juliet is resilient. She survived in odds that were so stacked against her she shouldn't have survived at all, let alone being left healthy!
So I ask for prayers. For Juliet, for my family and for me. For us to have the strength to keep going, even though this surgery is coming up. For peace about it all and help us to not worry about the future.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." ~Philippians 4:6-7
Miracles in the Making
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Friday, April 3, 2015
Wow, it has been a while. This year started off crazy. We had 25 dogs in our house, yes that's correct 25. We breed German Shepherds and we had two litters the week of Christmas. They are finally all to their new homes and my life has slowed down a lot. I am finally get back into my blogs and writing again. I always miss when I cannot write.
Juliet is doing awesome. She had a great Christmas, New Year, and start to 2015. Juliet is continuing to grow and she loves to try out new things.
Her favorite foods are yogert, berries, carrots, rasins and anything with peanut butter on it! She is a great eater and is become very independent when it comes to feeding herself.
Juliet LOVES her baby brother. Every morning she asked where "baby" is and want to go give him lots of kisses. I love watching her interact with him. They have had a special bond from the beginning and it amazes me to see it grow every day. She enjoys anything that means spending time with Bradley.
She also loves being outside. Her favorite is the sand box. She will spend hours in the sand it I were to let her. I know as summer gets here, she will be begging to swim every day as well. Anything with sand and water is her perfect play place. (Too bad we are not close enough to the beach for daily trips!) Juliet likes to swing and "climb" trees too. (She doesnt get off the ground, but she loves to climb them anyway).
Juliet has also taken after her mommy and has an amazing gift and love for animals. Our dogs are so gentle around her and love to stick close. Its almost as if they realize she is special and needs to be watched over. She is by far my animal lover, and I dont see that changing anytime soon.
Juliet is developing right on track and she loves to learn. Her favorite songs are Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Jesus Loves Me. She cannot go to sleep without both of those songs!
She has come a long way from that frail baby she used to be 2.5 years ago. We are all doing well, but the pain of missing Jacob is still so raw. Juliet is missing him too. She says she "sees" brother outside sometimes, and I hear her talking to him at night in her crib. I believe children have a sense that adults don't have anymore. I don't know if she really sees him, or if he is just her "imaginary friend", but I love to hear her talk to him. It's almost as if he is still here with us. One day we will see him again, and it will be a joyous reunion when we do.
Overall, Juliet is doing amazing and blowing doctors away every time they see her. We don't know what her future holds, but I know it will be great. And we will take it one day at a time.
Juliet is doing awesome. She had a great Christmas, New Year, and start to 2015. Juliet is continuing to grow and she loves to try out new things.
Her favorite foods are yogert, berries, carrots, rasins and anything with peanut butter on it! She is a great eater and is become very independent when it comes to feeding herself.
Juliet LOVES her baby brother. Every morning she asked where "baby" is and want to go give him lots of kisses. I love watching her interact with him. They have had a special bond from the beginning and it amazes me to see it grow every day. She enjoys anything that means spending time with Bradley.
She also loves being outside. Her favorite is the sand box. She will spend hours in the sand it I were to let her. I know as summer gets here, she will be begging to swim every day as well. Anything with sand and water is her perfect play place. (Too bad we are not close enough to the beach for daily trips!) Juliet likes to swing and "climb" trees too. (She doesnt get off the ground, but she loves to climb them anyway).
Juliet has also taken after her mommy and has an amazing gift and love for animals. Our dogs are so gentle around her and love to stick close. Its almost as if they realize she is special and needs to be watched over. She is by far my animal lover, and I dont see that changing anytime soon.
Juliet is developing right on track and she loves to learn. Her favorite songs are Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Jesus Loves Me. She cannot go to sleep without both of those songs!
She has come a long way from that frail baby she used to be 2.5 years ago. We are all doing well, but the pain of missing Jacob is still so raw. Juliet is missing him too. She says she "sees" brother outside sometimes, and I hear her talking to him at night in her crib. I believe children have a sense that adults don't have anymore. I don't know if she really sees him, or if he is just her "imaginary friend", but I love to hear her talk to him. It's almost as if he is still here with us. One day we will see him again, and it will be a joyous reunion when we do.
Overall, Juliet is doing amazing and blowing doctors away every time they see her. We don't know what her future holds, but I know it will be great. And we will take it one day at a time.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
November and December Review
Things are always crazy this time of year. Between holidays, family, end of year parties, illnesses, and shopping, it's easy to forget to take time and write updates. I apologize for not many updates lately.

Juliet is doing great! We celebrated Jacob and Juliet's 2nd birthday as a family this year. She is getting the hang of opening presents and I know Christmas will be a blast! She had a fun time and loved her cake!
We spend the 8th together as a family, and sent up 24 balloons for Jacob. (One for every month he has been gone). We also started a new tradition and planted a tree for Jacob. We will plant one every year on his angelverary now. As the balloons disappeared, my husband said, "well they are gone now". My oldest said, I think more to himself then to us, "Well, they are at least gone from us". I don't know why, but it was the perfect way to describe Jacob. He is not gone, just gone from us. It's always an emotional day as I play this day over and over again in my head. The pain, the tears, the feeling of holding him as he turned cold in my arms. November 8th is a hard day.
We hosted Thanksgiving this year, which kept me busy, and my mind preoccupied. I know everyone is excited about the holidays, but these days are some of the hardest for me. It's hard to be thankful when a piece of your heart is missing. Plus, going out and shopping for my children always reminds me that I should be shopping for one more.
We put a tree and decorate our house though. If not for us, at least for our other children. We also took family pictures for the first time since Jacob died. We got some great ones and a perfect picture of Juliet with the Jake elephant. I know Jacob was there with us.
We have had a few illnesses run through our house as well. As much as I wish I could protect Juliet from ever little germ and bug, we know she has to start slowly building her immune system. So far, we have had 2 ear infections, an upper respiratory infection, and a few colds. Nothing has led to a hospital stay yet, but seeing her ill just brings up too many old memories. We just keep chugging and moving through this season praying for only small bugs, and NO hospital stay!
Christmas is almost here, and I am excited and scared and heartbroken. Another year without Jacob. I know Juliet will have a wonderful time this year. She is really enjoying the "opening" part of presents, even if she doesn't realize the toys is what she is suppose to play with!
I pray peace for you all, and a wonderful Christmas. May God Bless you many times over this coming year!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Autism Free
Juliet went in for her 18 month corrected evaluation and autism screen. I am proud to say she passed with flying colors and once again God is proving himself to be faithful in his promises. He has kept her mind safe, and allowed her to have full function of her brain and body. Today, one in two micro-preemies are diagnosed with autism. It really is amazing to me that with numbers that high, Juliet is perfect. All the things that could have affected her have yet to touch her. God has been amazing to our little girl. She is developing slightly above her adjusted age. Her high level thinking is great and everyone keeps telling me she will be my straight A student! I look forward to seeing her continue to learn and succeed!
Juliet's baby brother has been home a few weeks now and Juliet is in love with him. She loves to sit and just watch him. One day, these two will make wonderful playmates. He will be the playmate she has been missing since Jacob died. I look forward to watching these two grow up and enjoy a life together (and probably picking on each other a lot, as any good brother and sister relationship should do).
Juliet goes back for one more evaluation in November, then we should be done with all of them! Slowly we are crossing off her long list of appointments! Only a few more and our baby girl will be free of all the extra evaluations! Thanks for all the continued prayers! Please keep them coming for our miracle girl!
Juliet's baby brother has been home a few weeks now and Juliet is in love with him. She loves to sit and just watch him. One day, these two will make wonderful playmates. He will be the playmate she has been missing since Jacob died. I look forward to watching these two grow up and enjoy a life together (and probably picking on each other a lot, as any good brother and sister relationship should do).
Juliet goes back for one more evaluation in November, then we should be done with all of them! Slowly we are crossing off her long list of appointments! Only a few more and our baby girl will be free of all the extra evaluations! Thanks for all the continued prayers! Please keep them coming for our miracle girl!
Monday, August 11, 2014
Welcome Baby Bradley
Friday, July 11, 2014
Saying GOODBYE to PT!!

We cannot thank Kelli enough for everything she has done for Juliet. From seeing her 2 times a week at the beginning and helping her learn to hold her head up, to now not "needing" to see her, but playing with her, helping her jump and run and play. Kelli has been a huge part of our life and a major part of Juliet's development. We will miss seeing her greatly, but I know we will always have a special bond with her. She helped our baby girl do so many things, and so many days were spent trying to figure out the best path for Juliet, no matter what that meant for Brett or I, or Kelli.
Now on to the next chapter of her story...
Sunday, June 8, 2014
First Trip to the Beach
I know Jacob was smiling down on us yesterday. It just felt right. I look forward to going back, and the kids are already begging for another trip! (Although next time, I think we will bring more sunscreen, haha)
"Jake" the Elephant |
Jake and Juliet |
She loved covering Mommy in sand |
Daddy holding Juliet and Jake |
Kisses from Daddy |
Jake at the beach |
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