I cannot believe our little Peanut is 9 months old already!!! Time has been going way to fast at the Phillips's house! So, it has been a while since I last updated you all. So here are the statistics of our Juliet.
Weight: 16lbs 8oz
Length: 27 inches
Diaper size: 3
Size Clothes: 6-9 months
Ounces a day: Between 35-40
Our girl is getting so big and developing great. She is now sitting on her own and on 8/11 she began army crawling. Now she can go anywhere! While I am super proud of her, I am not really ready for this stage! I found it is much harder when you have 3 older children who love to leave their itty bitty toys all over the floor. She is so proud of herself whenever she gets to the toy she is after. It melts my heart to see the joy in her eyes. She is still getting PT twice a week, but it is obviously working, so we will continue it until she is caught up to her actual age.
She had her 6 month evaluation this week and excelled at everything. She is between 7-9 months in all her development.This is huge as they did not expect her to start catching up until she passed the one year mark. The doctors are shocked by her progress and thrilled to see her doing so well. It just goes to prove that not every 25 weeker is going to have all the complications the doctors expect. With God on our side, we knew she would be okay, and she is doing wonderful. We cannot thank those enough who have kept her in your prayers. You are all a part of this and we are excited to share our joy with you!
She is still eating her baby food and still loves it! She is now up to eating, carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, bananas, oatmeal, and we are about to start apples. This girl LOVES her food!
She is still that happy baby she was from day one. She enjoys life and is always entertained by her siblings and the dogs. She will smile at just about everyone but she defiantly loves her big brothers. It is bittersweet. I know she would have loved having Jacob here to play with, and it breaks my heart to see the love for her two older brothers, knowing Jacob should be a part of that too.
All in all, she is doing wonderful and we love to watch her grow!