For those of you who don't know, Brett and I have suffered 6 miscarriages early in pregnancies. For this reason we don't ever say anything until we are out of the 12 week mark. Then add on top of it the stress from the twin's pregnancy and all the possibilities of my water going again. So we wanted to wait until we hit viability (the time when the doctors would at least try and save our baby's life if he were to come early, which is 24 weeks).
Now that we have passed that, I can finally breath a little easier and begin to be excited about bringing home another baby. So here are some of the details for those who are interested.
We learned in January when I went in for my yearly exam that my birth control failed in November. I was roughly 8 weeks pregnant. And to be exact, it looks like I conceived on November 8th, 2013: Jacob's one year Angelversary. We were shocked and scared and worried, but also slightly relieved. Brett and I both wanted another child, but we could not see going down that path again by our own decision. We have been praying that if our family was to grow again, that God would just do it. And that he did! We knew this pregnancy was going to be hard, both emotionally and physically, but thankfully God has kept this pregnancy "easy" and healthy. Yes I was sick and exhausted until 12 weeks, and I have been on pins and needles about my water breaking again, but I had no major issues. My doctor has been wonderful and we are keeping a close eye on my fluid levels as well as making sure I am not going into labor. I get ultrasounds every 3-4 weeks as well as P17 shots to help keep preterm labor away. Due to my history, we do not expect for me to go full term, but we are hoping that will be the case. As it stands right now, we are shooting for August 1st. (Which just happens to be the day my water broke with Jacob two years ago).
We have also had some very God-like things happen throughout this pregnancy that just confirm to me that God is at work and he will deliver a healthy beautiful baby boy into our family when the time is right. (For instance, at just 13 weeks we found out this little one is a boy! We never have found out that early, but God knew I needed to know, so he made it possible!)
With all this being said, I ask for continued prayers for our family as we get ready to welcome another little boy into our home. I will be honest, I have not held a baby boy since Jacob died in my arms.
I know it will be very emotional for all involved, so prayers for peace would be greatly appreciated. As well as prayers for a continued healthy pregnancy. Oh and prayers for Juliet. It will be a big transition for her from being the baby and getting all the "mommy time" she could want to having to share me.