We spend the 8th together as a family, and sent up 24 balloons for Jacob. (One for every month he has been gone). We also started a new tradition and planted a tree for Jacob. We will plant one every year on his angelverary now. As the balloons disappeared, my husband said, "well they are gone now". My oldest said, I think more to himself then to us, "Well, they are at least gone from us". I don't know why, but it was the perfect way to describe Jacob. He is not gone, just gone from us. It's always an emotional day as I play this day over and over again in my head. The pain, the tears, the feeling of holding him as he turned cold in my arms. November 8th is a hard day.
We hosted Thanksgiving this year, which kept me busy, and my mind preoccupied. I know everyone is excited about the holidays, but these days are some of the hardest for me. It's hard to be thankful when a piece of your heart is missing. Plus, going out and shopping for my children always reminds me that I should be shopping for one more.
We put a tree and decorate our house though. If not for us, at least for our other children. We also took family pictures for the first time since Jacob died. We got some great ones and a perfect picture of Juliet with the Jake elephant. I know Jacob was there with us.
We have had a few illnesses run through our house as well. As much as I wish I could protect Juliet from ever little germ and bug, we know she has to start slowly building her immune system. So far, we have had 2 ear infections, an upper respiratory infection, and a few colds. Nothing has led to a hospital stay yet, but seeing her ill just brings up too many old memories. We just keep chugging and moving through this season praying for only small bugs, and NO hospital stay!
Christmas is almost here, and I am excited and scared and heartbroken. Another year without Jacob. I know Juliet will have a wonderful time this year. She is really enjoying the "opening" part of presents, even if she doesn't realize the toys is what she is suppose to play with!
I pray peace for you all, and a wonderful Christmas. May God Bless you many times over this coming year!