Today the twins are four months old! I cannot believe how fast time has gone by. We are so thrilled to have Juliet home to share this day with her outside of the hospital. Months 1-3 were scary, heartbreaking, but also exciting. We know month 4 will bring many more blessings as Juliet continues to improve and show us her personality. It will also be heartbreaking. As we watch our daughter hit milestones, we will always long for her brother to be here with us. There are so many milestones we missed with Jacob, but watching Juliet thrive will always be a reminder of what her big brother did for her. He many not be here physically, but we will always remember our little fighter. He will be watching over his sister always. We miss you angle!
Our babies are just about the same age. Finn will be 4 months on the 18th.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy that your family has triumphed, despite the pain of losing your son.
Juliet is beautiful.
Thank you Nicole! We are very blessed!