Wow time has blown by so fast. Today marks six months from the first time I saw face to face, my twins. Those two precious children that God blessed with me. The two I fought so hard for every day. The two that I risked my life in order to give them the best chance at life on this earth. While I only get to keep one here with me, they will always be my babies. Juliet has come so far from that little baby I saw in the isolete. What a fascinating child she is, with such an amazing testament to the faithfulness of God. I know one day she will understand just how amazing God has been to us, and I pray she will feel the need to share her story, just as I have. I know she misses Jacob. Its amazing to see, but there are moments when I know, she knows someone is missing. She had a bond with him that will never be replaced. He was her angel, her brother, her lifesaver. Today we celebrate the six months of life Juliet has had, and we look forward to so many more. We remember those precious moments we had with Jacob. We honor him, for without Jacob, Juliet would not be here either. What a blessing she is to her family. Juju bug, we love you!

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