Sunday, June 2, 2013

PPROM Awareness Day

Yesterday and today are PPROM Awareness Day. Most people have no idea what this is, and in a way, that is good. But for me, this is life-changing. This is what has cause me to no longer be able to have children. This is what killed my son. PPROM is preterm premature rupture of membranes. In other words, your water breaking before 37 weeks, (which is considered term) and it breaking for no known reason, such as preterm labor. There is no way to fix this once it happens. 80% of women deliver within 48 hours of their water breaking. 9% of the remaining 10% of babies will pass away in the first 8 days, and the remaining 1% are anywhere from surviving with huge life-long disabilities, to no problems at all, to not surviving after birth. And no mother knows which one her child will be until the time comes. I managed to escape the 99% and make it to the 1%. However, after 30 hours it was obvious that we were not going to get a good outcome. Not even an okay outcome. Our son was going to die, and he did. We have to get awareness of this out in the public eye. Most doctors, including mine, told me I needed to terminate. (Even though I had a perfectly healthy child still in me, two actually). They made me sign a release form saying I knew that if I continued on with this pregnancy, I was risking my own life, and there was a GOOD chance I would die. So many women and told this, and do not realize there are other options. There are things they can do to stay healthy and give their unborn child a fighting chance. Please help me get the word out. This is a huge reason children are born early, and a huge factor in the number of infant deaths every year. We need to find a way to stop whatever is causing it, which there is no know reason for why a women's water would break so early. And we need to make sure these women have the encouragement they need to keep going. Please keep all these mommies and babies in your prayers. We need to get research going for this so there can at least be more options for mothers then to abort their unborn child. If you would like to help, please go to and donate to help families medical bills in this situation. You can also donate to March of Dimes as they do research on PPROM. Thank you for your support in our lives. Jacob's life will always be remember. He has lit a fire in me to find an answer to this and do what I can to help bring babies home. I have included two pictures.
The first one is of my daughter Juliet. Her water did not break and as you can see she has a large black pocket over her head, which is the fluid. The second is one of Jacob after his water broke.  He has no dark spots, indicating he had no fluid. He was squished the entire time.

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