I realized I have not given any detailed updates on Juliet lately. So get ready...

Juliet will be 18 months on May 6th. She is making wonderful progress in all aspects and truly is a joy to be around. Juliet has been spending her time playing outdoors at our new property. (We are in the process of building a new house on 7 acres.) She is now able to hold onto and swing on a tire swing, go down the "roller coaster", and play catch with her big brother. She loves to be a part of the "big kids" and tries hard to keep up. She has recently figured out to rock on her rocking horse, and will spend hours a day rocking away.

Juliet has also started talking more. Her favorite words are "whoa", "wow", "boom" and "yeah"(especially when our pastor pauses during his sermon). She is slowly learning "all done" when she is done eating. She will say "dada" when she wants him, but its like pulling teeth to get her to say "mama". When you are the 5th child in the family, you learn to be heard, and Juliet is no exception. If she is getting "ignored" or talked over, she will squeal like a little piggy until everyone stops and looks at her. She usually just smiles and is happy to once again be the center of everyone's world. (She is not spoiled at all, haha)
Juliet is now 22 pounds and is starting to try and "run". It looks more like a waddle, but I'll take it! She will finish up with PT this month, and only receive evaluations every 6 weeks to make sure she is staying on track. She goes back to get another evaluation in August for a "corrected age" 18 months evaluation.

Juliet has been given the OK to start going out in public again. YAY for NO MORE RSV!! She will not be allowed in any form of child care until June, and we are advised to stay away from extremely crowded areas. So far we have been back to church for 3 weeks and she has done very well. She still gets over stimulated very easy, so we will be taking things slow when it comes to introducing her to public places.

Easter was a blast. We were all back at church as a family, which was wonderful. Juliet was big enough to go "egg hunting" with her big brothers and sister. She loves to open and close the eggs over and over.
Overall, Juliet is doing wonderful and keeping me busy. Every day we blessed to have her in our life, and the joy she brings in irreplaceable. Jacob will always be missed, but Juliet is our link to him and I see him in her every day.
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