Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

Juliet with Jacob's urn
Today marks the day Juliet and Jacob "should" be celebrating their first birthday. Oh the what if...

Instead, Juliet is 15 months old now and progressing great. She went in for her 15 month check up and here are her stats (all of these are based on full term babies)

Head circumference: 17.91 inches (45 percentile)
Weight: 20lbs 8oz (39 percentile)
Height: 29.5 inches (15th percentile)

Over all, her development has been great and she is growing at a constant rate. She is healthy, which is wonderful as we begin to come to the end of RSV season. We will be continue to be on lock down until the middle of April.

Juliet is consistently taking 3-7 steps at a time, and she is really enjoying being able to be up. She loves to walk with help all over our house! I cannot believe she will be a toddler before too long! We will go into First Steps for a full evaluation in March. That should be our last appointment with them as long as everything goes well.
All in all, she is doing wonderful and we are excited that she is improving so well. Thank you for all the continue prayers for her and our family!

Juliet and "Jacob Bear"