Saturday, September 21, 2013

NICU Reunion

Tara and Juliet
Today we were allowed out of the house for a few hours to attend Juliet's NICU Reunion. We had a wonderful time catching up with nurses, therapists, doctors and friends! We got to see our corner-mates. They were there with us most of our stay and we all became good friends. We got to see Juliet and Jacob's nurses again and show off how well our little Peanut is doing. She smiled for everyone and was happy to see them. It was a day filled with so much joy! I look forward to seeing them all again.
You don't think the people you come into contact with in a place like that would be such strong figures in your life. But for me, I couldn't imagine life without them in it. Even if I only see them once a year (which is NOT enough), I know they will be there. They will be there to answer questions, or encourage or support Juliet in everything she does. They have invested into her and love to see her succeed in whatever she chooses to do. Thank you all for being so wonderful to us! It was a wonderful day and we look forward to next year!

Amy and Juliet
Gladys and Juliet

The Corner Crew

Tahra, Speech therapist, and Lisa, PT with Juliet

Outfit Nana Made Juliet for the Reunion

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Happy Neonatal Nurses Day

Today is Neonatal Nurses Day. I am honored to know some, and be able to call them friends, and well, family. It amazes me what they do every day. They save lives every day. They comfort parents. They take on the role of mother, nurse, doctor, and friend. They care for these babies around the clock. They have to walk that line between professional, and friend. (which frankly, most fail at, in a good way of course). They feed, change, hold, comfort, and love these babies when mom and dad cannot be there. I have seen them cry with us when Juliet took steps back, and rejoice when she took steps forward. I have been comforted by them when we said goodbye to Jacob, and I have seen the impact he had on them.

But then, they say goodbye, and sometimes never see these babies again. They have to hand over a child they have cared for, for sometimes months, and trust that mom and dad will take care of them.
It must be the hardest, sometimes most painful job there is out there. But it must also be rewarding. To see these babies grow, and improve every day. To be able to look back and see how many lives they have changed. They have changed our life. I will never think of Juliet's days in the NICU, without thinking of all the smiling faces I passed when I walked through there. I will always remember the peace I felt leaving my daughter with them, and I know they will always be there to cheer her on in everything she does. They will be some of her biggest supporters through life, and I am so grateful for them. They are family.
So, If you see a Neonatal nurse today, or any day for that matter, give them a hug and a Thank You. They are true heros, and I know our life would be forever different if they were not there every day.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Jacob's Bear

 We are so excited that Jacob's Molly Bear arrived! Molly Bears were created by a women, who lost her daughter Molly a few years ago. The mothers friend sent her a bear that weighed 3 lbs, but Molly weighed a little over 4 pounds. The mother so desperately wanted a bear that was the same weight as their daughter, so went to the store and filled the bear until it weighed exactly what Molly weighted. Now, she makes bears for other grieving parents to match the weight of their angle. Molly Bears is run off donations and only a parent can order the bear. However, anyone can donate. When I signed up in March, I was told the wait time was 16-20 months until I would get my Jacob bear. To my surprise, it showed up last week and is absolutely perfect. He weights exactly as Jacob did, and it brought back that feeling of holding my son for the first and last time. They put elephant buttons, a blue ribbon, and a pink heart to honor Juliet. I cannot tell you how nice it is to hug him when I am missing Jacob so badly. Juliet loves the bear too and has been fascinated with him. While I let the kids give Jacob Bear a hug, he sits on Jacob's shelf, next to his urn. It brings a smile to heart and tears to my eyes. I feel very blessed to be given a bear, made by another angel mommy. THANK YOU MOLLY BEARS!!
If you would like to donate to Molly Bears, please go check out their website to learn more and learn how to bring a healing bear to a grieving mommy.

10 Months Old Already?!?!?!?!

I cannot believe Juliet is 10 months old! She has come so far! Our little 1 pounder is really thriving and enjoying life! She is improving every day and we are so thrilled with her daily progress. We look forward to what 10 months brings. She is on the cusp of crawling, almost sitting and if she had it her way she would be standing all day! I know this month will be a big one for her, I can feel it!
This month is also a busy month. Her older brother started back to school and we are running more and more. We are also looking forward to our first NICU reunion! I cannot wait to show our girl off to the family we made while at St. David's. It will be exciting to get her back with all her friends as well as see the nurses and doctors again!

We are also preparing for lock down again. While Juliet is doing wonderful and she is healthy, she is still at a high risk as far as illnesses go. So, starting mid September, we will be house bound with our little peanut. She will no longer be allowed to be in public, until RSV season is over in March 2014. Yes, I know that is 6 months. While I am not looking forward to being stuck in our house for that long, the alternative is something I cannot think without tearing up. Our Juliet cannot get sick. I am not going to let my discomfort allow her to get sick and put back into the hospital. So, we will be home, A LOT!!! We will be washing hands, changing clothes, and most likely wearing surgical masks around her. But it is all worth it to get through this RSV season healthy. And this is the last time. Next year, her lungs will be strong enough to handle an infection if she were to get one. So we can do it. One last time.