Saturday, September 21, 2013

NICU Reunion

Tara and Juliet
Today we were allowed out of the house for a few hours to attend Juliet's NICU Reunion. We had a wonderful time catching up with nurses, therapists, doctors and friends! We got to see our corner-mates. They were there with us most of our stay and we all became good friends. We got to see Juliet and Jacob's nurses again and show off how well our little Peanut is doing. She smiled for everyone and was happy to see them. It was a day filled with so much joy! I look forward to seeing them all again.
You don't think the people you come into contact with in a place like that would be such strong figures in your life. But for me, I couldn't imagine life without them in it. Even if I only see them once a year (which is NOT enough), I know they will be there. They will be there to answer questions, or encourage or support Juliet in everything she does. They have invested into her and love to see her succeed in whatever she chooses to do. Thank you all for being so wonderful to us! It was a wonderful day and we look forward to next year!

Amy and Juliet
Gladys and Juliet

The Corner Crew

Tahra, Speech therapist, and Lisa, PT with Juliet

Outfit Nana Made Juliet for the Reunion

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