Thursday, March 21, 2013

RSV is Over!

I got the call yesterday that I have been waiting for patiently! RSV season is officially over here in Austin, TX. This is huge for our family as RSV was the main reason Juliet was house bound. We are now allowed to slowly start bringing her out of the house and around other people. (Given they are healthy) She made her first trip last night to our community group with our church. These are people who have been in prayer over her since the day we announced we were pregnant. It is such a joy to finally be able to introduce her to everyone who has loved on us and prayed so hard for her. I was talking to a dear friend at church the day she was coming home about the time I could finally introduce her to everyone. I know my daughter is a miracle. But to hear someone else say how much they were looking forward to seeing her and touching her, because it will be touching a miracle: that is so humbling. It makes my heart rejoice to know that others see her for the gift she is. I am beyond excited to finally share more than just pictures. Thank you Lord for providing health and safety for our little peanut. We praise you for your faithfulness and love in our lives!

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